Cuento Corto Games
Our Company
Videogames from Chile to the World
Cuento Corto Games is a dream come true. A dream that bonds together three cousins in their 30´s under one goal: dedicate their lives to their childhood passion: video games, consoles and table-top RPG´s.
Chilean-based, and founded in 2021, Cuento Corto Games focuses in two main directions: developing educative games to be used inside the classroom, and bringing chilean myths and legends to life through the magic of video games.
We believe in…
bringing • stories • to life
Play and be amazed
Fun • games • Creativity
In Cuento Corto Games we believe in the power of compelling stories, powerful characters and emotions brought to life. We believe in telling a story so beautifully that we hope you will feel a part of it. We believe in unveiling a tale so wonderfully that we hope you will be wanting for more.
We believe that video games invite to collaborate, compete and work collectively for a purpose. They enhance creativity, social relations, outside-the-box thinking and a sense of community. And last but not least, they encourage kids and adults alike to discover, to be creative, to go beyond and to understand that imagination has no limits!
Our Team
talent • dreams • creativity
A unique team for a unique Company
crazy • about • games
Our team is a surreal blend of talents and crafts, which combined are a perfect combination to create and design video games. History, engineer, art and architecture are just a sample of what we are and what we bring to the table in order to develop great ideas at service of video games.

Manuel Píriz
CFO and UC Engineer with a Finance Master from ESADE. Lvl 5 Ranger

Benjamín Píriz
UC Journalist and craft gamer. Lvl 6 Human Rogue

Chito Piriz
CEO. Storyteller and Master in Medieval History from King´s College London. Dungeon Master
Carlos Semper
Lead Artist. Inacap Graphic Designer, Lvl 6 Half-Elf Bard
Martín León
2D/3D Animator. University of Chile Architect. Lvl 5 Dwarf Warrior
Martín Vidal
Lead Programmer. UC Engineer, Lvl 6 Human Paladin
The Magic Top – El Trompo Mágico
Education • Learning • Gamification
Play and Learn
Learning • through • Gamification
We believe that learning can, and should be, FUN! Studies show that playing games, and especially video games, is one of the greatest and most rewarding ways to learn and connect with knowledge. In the digital age, video games are the number one entertainment industry, and education is the next FRONTIER.
We have developed a Platform/APP which connects students and teachers through educational video games. Teachers receive automatically the results and data from their students…and kids play and learn at the same time!
Wanna play? Click on any of our video game´s banners and it will take you to our demos in Unity Play! Have fun and learn!
Inara and the Balance of the Island
ARPG• Mythology • Fantasy
The Legend of Chiloé has begun
Play • Discover • Learn
Inara and the Balance of the Island is an ARPG-Metroidvania video game based on the mythology and legends of the great and mystical island of Chiloé, in Chilean Patagonia.
Inara, which in the language of the mapuche people means guardian of the water, is a girl living in a coastal town of Chiloé. Unaware of the hidden forces of the island, when his father goes missing, she begins an amazing journey through every corner of the land to find his whereabouts, only to realize that she is the key in the eternal war between La Cofradía, the Witchers of the Island, and the fantastic creatures which live beyond our reality.
Wanna play our Demo? Click on the upper banner and test Inara and The Balance of the Island first chapter: A Fisherman´s Village!